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Siddhalepa Triphala (60 Caps)

Siddhalepa Triphala (60 Caps)

Regular price $6.00 AUD
Regular price $7.00 AUD Sale price $6.00 AUD
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In the Ayurvedic system of medicine, one of the most frequently used preparations is Triphala. This formulation contains the dried fruits of Aralu (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Bulu (Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn) Roxb.) and Nelli (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.) Triphala as an Ayurvedic preparation has been used for thousands of years to promote health, immunity and longevity, by the maintenance within the human system of a sequence of proper digestion, absorption and elimination. Thus, Triphala can benefit all ages, as a means of maintaining good health. It also acts as a rejuvenator that retards the ageing process, and enhances the body’s immunity to disease. The three fruits of the Triphala formulation have now been scientifically researched and the results provide reason to vindicate the traditional claims.

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