Asupini Ella Falls

Asupini Ella Falls Asupini Ella Falls Asupini Ella Falls

Asupini Ella (waterfall) also called `Asupini Falls` is a beautiful waterfall that can be seen from the historic town of Aranayake. According to ancient tales, it was named after the story about a King who had many queens. On his return from war, he assured them that he would give them a sign from the hills about the fate of the war. He said, “If his soldiers waved a white flag over the hills, it would mean he was defeated and killed in action. But, if he waved his own flag bearing his crest, that he was victorious!
Asupini Ella Falls Asupini Ella Falls Asupini Ella Falls

【LK94009958: Asupini Ella Falls. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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